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espero que vocês divirtam-se muito lendo minhas palavras. Peço, porém, por ser esse um trabalho independente, que não republiquem meus textos - inteiros, partes, frases, versos - sem minha expressa autorização. A pena para crime de plágio é dura, além de ser algo bastante humilhante para quem é processado. Tenho certeza que não terei problemas com relação a isso, mas é sempre bom lembrar!

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domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

"Rats", he said

"Rats", he said.
He opened his window and saw hoards of rats on the streets
His wife fainted, he laughed

Rats eating the cheese
Rats eating the food in general
Rats eating the general
And his small friend

He saw people crawling and fighting to save their belongings from the little monsters
"It is outrageous", said the Mayor Mayer, without his white wig, consumed by despair
They invaded the houses, the pubs, the schools.
They brought diseases, rat children.

The Mayor Mayer called the Piper to take them away
The Piper came
They ate the Piper
They ate the Mayor
They ate the Mayer
They ate the cheese
They ate the people in the houses

It was a disaster
They destroyed the city and claimed their city
And made it independent; and big!

Rats, rats, rats

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