Caros visitantes,

espero que vocês divirtam-se muito lendo minhas palavras. Peço, porém, por ser esse um trabalho independente, que não republiquem meus textos - inteiros, partes, frases, versos - sem minha expressa autorização. A pena para crime de plágio é dura, além de ser algo bastante humilhante para quem é processado. Tenho certeza que não terei problemas com relação a isso, mas é sempre bom lembrar!

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quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2011


I wanna walk down the lane
I wanna go singing in the rain, oh, yeah, baby
I wanna cry at every door
I wanna love you more and more

I wanna tell everyone our story
Make me remember how it all began
I wanna fill it with truth and glory
I wanna paint our faces in a van

Drive, drive, drive, drive, baby
Drive, drive, drive away
Drive, drive, drive together
Please, don't make me stay here

I wanna paint little hearts in all houses
I wanna kiss everybody's cheeks
I wanna throw out all your blouses
And buy you new ones at old botiques

I remember you
I remember what you told me
All the things you told me you would do
Over a fucking cup of tea

I wanna cry and wet my shirt
I wanna die and sell my dessert
Who said life has to be logical?
We can't even be biological!

I gotta tell you one thing:

I remember everything.

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